Per a un projecte del 7è Programa Marc de la UE coordinat per la Fundació
La persona seleccionada s’incorporarà al projecte RRI Tools, a project to promote Responsible Research and Innovation que té per objectiu la creació d’eines digitals per a la promoció, difusió i capacitació en l’aplicació pràctica de Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), i està dirigit a tots els actors del sistema de recerca i innovació, però, sobretot, als responsables polítics i els investigadors.
A continuació detallem les característiques de l’oferta tal qual han estat publicades:
- To develop and review specific content of the projec.
- To perform monitoring tasks of the construction of the digital platform.
- To provide support in the area of training, communication and dissemination of the project.
- To provide support in Project Management tasks.
- To review the quality of the materials developed.
- Graduate in the field of Science.
- Master’s degree in scientific communication, scientific policy or science management and leadership.
- Experience in multi-institutional and international projects (specially FP7).
- Experience in “Science in Society” projects.
- A good command of Spanish and English (written and spoken).
Other aspects that will be valued
- Experience in European Project Management and specifically the 7th Framework Programme relating to Science in Society.
- PhD or experience in research in the field of science.
- Knowledge of communication using social networks.
- A good command of Catalan and other major languages of the European Union.
- High creativity ability.
- Knowledge of the latest scientific developments.
- Communication skills.
- Ability to work in a team.
Employment conditions
- Contract: For specific work and services for the period established in the European project (3 years).
- Hours: Full-time (1735 hours per year).
- Location: Barcelona (available for travel).
- Salary: To be determined according to the candidate’s profile.
- Job start: January 2013.
Please send curriculum and cover letter to indicating the recruitment process reference number 13_15_RRI. The deadline for receiving applications is 15 January 2014.
Podeu llegir l’oferta completa fent clic aquí.